the extraordinary women of modus.
Mar 08, 2022

In 1958, only one percent of registered architects were women. Today, even though half of the students in architecture programs in the US are women, the number of women that become registered, advance in the industry, or own architectural firms has not increased at the same rate as their male counterparts. Currently, only 17 percent of registered architects are women (statistics based on AIA surveys).
Whether intentional or unconscious, bias is problematic for women looking to move ahead in their careers. Knowing that bias exists isn’t enough, action is needed to level the playing field. Help us bring the unconscious to the conscious, provide access, engage, and empower the people around us. Let's break the bias.
In honor of International Women's Day and Women's History Month, we want to recognize the extraordinary women of modus studio. They inspire us all daily, demonstrating initiative, creativity, and leadership while working to positively shape the world around them.
clockwise: Leanne Baribeau, Amanda Burcham, Macy Callahan, Elisha Taldo Cantrell, Julie K. Chambers, Carrie Siebert, Amanda Shearhart, Sarah Nail, Sarah McElroy, Kiara Luers, and Jamie Zakovec (not pictured).