Apr 20, 2023

PK15 is next week on Friday, 4/28, at 6 pm! Here's the official lineup! See you there!
• Landon Perkins
• Mary Thompson
• Leopoldo E. Zepeda
• Colby Bolinger
• Kathy McGregor
• Ketaki Deshpande
• Bianca Montoya
Twice a year, we open our shop door for a diverse round of speakers from the community in a gathering unlike any other. If you aren't familiar with the term, Pecha Kucha is the Japanese word for chit-chat that describes a presentation style in which a speaker shares 20 slides on a topic of their choice for 20 seconds per slide. In simplest terms, a PK is like a party where the presentations are the game - fun and social, but often informative and interesting.
This event is completely free, and tickets are not required. Grab a friend and come enjoy an evening with the community.
Food + beverages provided.
Spread the word.
All are welcome.